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Complete list of Finalmouse Mice with links to full specifications.

In this table you will find some of the most important features, such as Dimensions, Weights and some Sensor Specs like Resolution Range, Max Acceleration and Max Tracking Speed.

You can sort each column, by clicking on it, to pick the lowest or highest performing products.

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Mouse RD Rating Ergonomy Max Res Min Res Accel. T.Speed L W H Weight Price
Finalmouse Air58 Ninja 2018 Ambidextrous 3200 400 50 G 250 IPS 128 60 40 58
Finalmouse Ultralight 2 Cape Town 2019 Ambidextrous 6000 400 50 G 250 IPS 116 53 35.7 49
Finalmouse Ultralight Phantom 2018 Ambidextrous 3200 400 50 G 250 IPS 122 66 39 67
Finalmouse Ultralight Pro 2018 Ambidextrous 3200 400 50 G 250 IPS 122 66 39 67
Finalmouse Starlight 12 Phantom 2021 Ambidextrous 20000 400 40 G 450 IPS 116 60 35 42

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